Argentina & Patagonia

Ivan & Lucas will continue their travels by heading down to Argentina & greater Patagonia to celebrate our union. They appreciate...more


Hello friends and family (chosen & given)!


We're honored to share our celebration with you, and look forward to sharing many more. Thank you for being a part of our lives, supporting us, and helping us be the best, and most authentic versions of ourselves.


Being quite the 'seasoned' couple, we're very privileged to be able fill our home with everything we need... so if you'd like to provide a gift in honor of our marriage, we're asking that you do so by contributing to our forthcoming honeymoon to Argentina & Patagonia.



Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Sonoma, CA  

Contact Us

Contact Lucas Wright via e-mail or via phone at 4058221877.

Our Registry

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Argentina & Patagonia

Ivan & Lucas will continue their travels by heading down to Argentina & greater Patagonia to celebrate our union. They appreciate the support.