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Hi all, thank you for visiting this site! It is a free and secure platform, so please don't mind the wedding-esque layout - that was not customizable.
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Chico's Gift Card
I also lost all of my wardrobe and this is one of my favorite shops.
Home Decor
Zen Garden
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Our Journey
Say Hello
Karen, We all love you and are here for you. Just each out when you need us…even just to hear a friendly voice to give you strength… Love Rhonda
Rhonda Huggins
Hi Karen, We’ve been thinking of you. Hoping you can rebuild your lovely home. -Steve & Louise
Steve & Louise Heisey
I hope this small contribution helps you recover a bit. My thoughts are with you.
Michael Hoodspith
Karen This is a long process to rebuild your emotional and physical life. Please take a gentle and steady walk to the future. You are loved and in so many people’s hearts Love Kelly Rae
Kelly Rae Hemenway
Karen, the news of the fires has been a thorough shock, and then to learn that it affected you and your beautiful home... we're at a loss for words. We are so very sorry and send this gift towards recovery with much love and hope for the weeks ahead. ~Mary OH & Phil P.
Mary O'Halloran & Phil Possanza
Dear Karen I’m thinking of you and hoping you’re staying strong at this difficult time. I’m so so sorry that your beautiful home is gone. I hope you will rebuild better than ever. Stay strong, much love—please let me know if I can be of any help.
Judy Cosgrove
Karen. This is news I was hoping not to get. I’m so very heartbroken over your loss. You put so much into making your home unique and wonderful. Let me know if you need anything. My thoughts are with you.
Timothy Earls
We have never met but I have always admired your work. I know the level of grief has got to be astounding but just know how loved you are and we are here for you.
Megan Greydanus
Karen - I've loved seeing photos of your beautiful home and am heartbroken by your loss. I know this is small gift in the grand scheme of things, but wanted to let you know I am here for you.
Ellen Lampl
Karen, I’m so incredibly sorry. It’s unthinkable, your beautiful home and all the creativity within it. I’m sending you so much love.
Kerry hyatt
We have never met, but Kevin and Laura have always shared such fond stories of you. You are surrounded by amazing family and friends who care about you very much, and we are keeping you in our thoughts during this difficult time.
Jaime Cox and Pat Johnson
Karen - I am holding you close in my thoughts.
Diana Dupuis
I am so sorry that you are faced with this ordeal. You are in my prayers. I hope that this contribution helps at least a little. Stay strong. - Cheryl Cloud
Cheryl Cloud
Karen. I don't have the right words to say how sorry I am. I've always been in awe of the way you create a home. Every detail you put into it is a reflection of you - your spirit and your soul. And your dedication and determination to see it through. The beautiful lines of your stencils and woodworking and your understanding of architecture and the golden eras of interior design as well as a love of worlds outside ours in LA - all executed with top level creativity and ingenuity and precision. Your home transported me to far off lands but with the comfort of feeling at home. Anything I can do to help I will to help you rebuild your sanctuary. Love, Joanna
Joanna Bush
So sorry this has happened to you. The fires are devastating. Your house and garden were so beautiful. I hope you can find a new place to live and that you are able to rebuild in the future. My prayers are with you.
Pam Manley
We are your niece Kaitlyn’s mother-in-law and father-in-law. We are so sorry to hear of your loss. We pray for your recovery.
Joe and Terry Kugler
Karen I can’t believe this ended up happening. When I said you had made that house I meant every word. So as heart breaking as this is- and it is beyond! I know that whatever space you inhabit, you will make extraordinary. You are the force that makes everything exquisite - and you will again
Our hearts and love are with you 💖
Cinder Connery
Karen, our hearts and prayers go out to you as you rebuild. Love to you!
Carrie and Mike Maglich
Karen, I think of you often; I am so sorry you lost your beautiful home. I am happy to help you rebuild and recover. Much love, Martha Deno
Martha D Deno
So sorry read about this
Alan kobayashi
Thinking of you, Karen, and wishing there was more I could do. I’m sending my love and hugs, and prayers for the strength to get through these difficult days. xo -May
May Wells
Karen, This is heartbreaking especially because your home was so special. I hope you can gather yourself to forge forward. I wish you lots of energy, creativity, strength and positive transitions. Hugs, Tina Lyon
Tina Lyon
So sorry to hear about your tragic loss in the fire. Sending good thoughts and hoping you will be able to move forward soon.
Bob and Tracy Hammett
My heart goes out to you—hang in as best you can.
Lori Robishaw
I'm so sorry this happened to your beautiful home and glad you are ok.
Frances, Foo, Jolie and Keian
Dear Karen, I'm so sorry for this tremendous loss. I hope all the love and care you receive will help you to rebuild.
Carol McGrath
Love you, Karen! Wish you well as always!
Kevin Bittle and Becky Bodkin
Karen, I’m so relieved to hear you are safe and saddened to hear about the loss of your beautiful home. Sending you hugs and love. Chris and Joyce Harwood (Joyce Kim Lee)
Joyce and Christopher Harwood
so sorry to hear you were affected by this tragedy
philip toolin