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Hello friends and family,

We are happy to have you in our lives and honored that you have considered traveling the distance to celebrate our union. Your presence is our gift. If you are not able to travel across the seas, we will celebrate with you when we return as Husband & Wife. If it is placed on your heart to celebrate us with a gift, we will gladly accept a monetary gift towards our wedding fees at the Essque Zalu Hotel in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Your gifts will fund a momentous occasion we all will remember and view for generations to come.


We are so excited to exchange vows on this life changing trip to Africa!


Please scroll down to view our registry.

Wedding Details

Ceremony Location:

Essque Zula Hotel,   Zanzibar, Mjini Magharibi Region

Contact Us

Contact Bravita Threatt via e-mail or via phone at 7578807287.

Our Registry


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